Saturday, October 17, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Funny Story and a Flashback to a Previous Post

Do you remember the post where I was taking about the English Camp that was being poorly planned? Let me refresh your memory...

"There is a lesson learned quickly when living in Korea: "Go With The Flow"* and I am.

* or maybe it's "Why plan now, when you can cram it in at the last minute?" or perhaps, "Think ahead? Please explain".

Case in point: My "Summer" English Camp. We had known about the summer camp since May, plenty of time to get it all in order. We had even settled on a weekend that was good for all of us. About two weeks before the summer camp was to happen, I asked my co-teacher if the facilities had been booked. He said, "Oh yeah, I'll phone". He came back a few days later with the unfortunate news that all the facilities were booked for the summer months. Okay, fine sure, I didn't really care, as I honestly really didn't care. But I know for a fact that these camps are mandatory, so my concern is when exactly is the camp going to happen, crammed in at the end of my contract? But wait, isn't there a winter camp too? So I politely suggested that he phone them back immediately and book a time for September. He still hasn't done it. Sigh. His reason? When he phoned (in June) there were still open rooms for September. Maybe he's right, maybe they still won't be booked closer to September... but why take the chance when you have the money sitting there waiting? I don't really understand the logic."

HAAhahahaaha! Funny story right? Now, I will tell you The Rest of The Story...

My dear co-teacher came into my office, asking me if I had heard about the Waegukin trip to the city of Andong next weekend. I agreed that yes in fact I had heard about it. (Actually, I knew about the tentative arrangements a few weeks ago.)
He replied, "Oh, are you going to take part?"
"Yes" I answered, "I think it will be a good experience for me."
"Oh", He paused, "I had planned the English Camp for that weekend."
"What?!", I replied trying to keep the horror and shock out of my voice " were?". (Thanks for telling ME buddy, the person who PLANS THE WHOLE THING! Thanks for giving me ONE WEEK notice! When were you planning on telling me? The day before?)
"So", he continued, "What weekend would be best for you then.
(Out of the only two weekends left in October.)
"Uhhhhh.... the 24th and 25th I guess?", I spluttered, stil slightly in shock.

I should have known. I had a feeling that something like this would happen. I knew that the English camp would undoubtedly be sprung on me last minute. So, I could have screamed and yelled. I could have angrily said, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Maybe I should have, but you know what? It just doesn't really matter. In reality I should have been anticipating this more, and been even more prepared.

If Korea has taught me anything it's that life can not and does not revolve around oneself. You can put up a wall and kick and scream, but you're only going to be wasting the precious time that you need to plan your English Camp. Speaking of which...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Autumn Update

It's been a while since we've updated this blog. We haven't really done many things that exciting recently, and have been taken in with school and extra classes and such. Things are well, other than an outbreak of H1N1 at my school(20 confirmed and 30 more suspected), and we are laying low in order to conserve money for the big trips planned at the end of the year. A little over two months left in the main part of the semester, which truly means only two months left of teaching, aside from some camps and extra classes. February is the month we look to, where we will take a trip to SE Asia, to be followed by a trip to China in March.

There won't be too much going on in our lives between now and then, but i'll try to edit a couple more vids for you to keep the masses pacified. This one gives a taste of the mountain views and ceremonies happening in the fall.