That is not to stay we won't post about Korea again, however, our time here is very short, and we must soon be on our way. Everything is a countdown these days. A countdown of how many more nights we have in our apartment (5), a countdown of how many more workdays I have (4), a countdown of how many more dinner meetings and soju parties (1-3), and so on. Kat and I have both finished teaching, and I am sitting at my desk with nothing to prepare for except vacation. The hours tick by slowly, and in a way, they are subtly agonizing. I've been working on a letter to give to the next teacher that will be at my school, in a way to prepare him/her for the rollercoaster ride he/she will soon find him/herself on. It's hard in a way to give any really helpful advice, as it seems that everything I have found to be true or useful in my life has turned out to be unreliable. To take in the culture and enjoy it the biggest trick is to go with the flow, and remember to not let things bother you too much, as it's not wrong, it's just different than what you're used to.
It has been a tumultuous affair, with many highs and many lows, but I do believe I will probably only remember the good times in the coming years. But life goes on, and perhaps the focus of this blog will shift now to our coming travels. We are heading off to Thailand/Cambodia/Vietnam in about 3 days, and then China after that. So expect some pictures from our new compact camera. Also, I have well over 1000 SLR pictures that I still will get developed, and I'll try to post that.
Otherwise, I leave with a good taste in my mouth. As I sadly say goodbye to all of the wonderful people who i've met in the past two years, I am struck again by the feeling that I am experiencing another little death. There will never be an opportunity to recapture the experiences here, and i feel a lot of guilt over not savouring the moments that i have experienced as much as i should have. That said, it is a little death with a rebirth, or perhaps, a reincarnation into my old life, with a different path and purpose.
However, there are many more roads to travel before I can even begin that. We will have more posts on here towards the end of February, maybe we will reflect a little more on Korea, but I imagine the focus will be on our coming travels, with more pics and vids to keep you entertained.
Until then, happy lunar new year.
Why Nobody Cares, by a Nobody
10 years ago